Sport    ATUREL N 254-598-0224
We work out, because it is challenging, engaging, calming and exciting. Yes, it’s good for our bodies too.
Are you ready for something different? Can you step out of your comfortzone? And try three lessons to make it your new comfortzone? Then..?
New horizon, what do we mean with that? After asking people about sports for adults in the area of Temple and Belton Texas, they told me that there is of course fitness, there are gyms, and also some recreational sports, but that is occasional only seasonal. What if you can go somewhere were you, instead of working out till you have to vomit, or to wait till the right season (every season has it’s fun), combine the exercises that are healthy and good for the body? Where you are engaged and primed to learn new things? And what if that place is working on your physical body and pshycological self? Wouldn’t that be a new perspective on working out?
Your teacher at Sport Naturel. After his graduation as a Bachelor of Sports at the Hanze Institute for Sport sciences, and graduating as a movement influencer in The Netherlands, Christiaan Hofman did several courses. He is a qualified Running Technique Instructor, Personal Trainer, trainer/coach TC3 and a licensed masseuse at NGS (Nederlandse Genootschap Sportmasseurs). From the age of 5, he practised various martial arts like: Karate for 10 years, Aikido for 1 year, Jeet Kune Do (intern in Hong Kong), Systema for 3 years and Wing Chun for 5 years and still practising and teaching. After that he gave defensibility courses at gym’s and at a University in Groningen. At the age of 16th, Christiaan came a cross fitness and how this was done in the 90’s (and still is done in the same way at some places). After 6 weeks he lost interest and his motivation to workout in that environment. Five years later (2001) during his traveling in Australia, he came up with a way of movement that had to suit the body and not the other way around. It had to be motivational, challenging, useful and life valuable. In order to achieve this goal he choose (2008) to go through the university of sports in Groningen, to back up this idea. Ten years later (2011), He invented Sport Naturel with cornerstones as: go outside and workout, play to motivate, lessons to shape the mind and body and to support you. Christiaan uses techniques that will fit and work for every individual, this because in his eyes it needs to be effective, suiting the character of the practitioner and ofcourse the body of the practitioner. His experience as a martial arts teacher and as a PE instructor is contributing to the quality of his lessons and his teachings
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